Be a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) CASA volunteers, bringing a variety of experiences to their work as advocates on behalf of abused and neglected children. There are no special educational or professional requirements, but advocates must : • Be at least 21 years old • Live in the greater Montgomery County area. • Be willing to volunteer 10-15 hours a month • Go through a background screening and receive 40 hours of training before being assigned to a child. The CASA volunteer’s primary responsibility is to serve as the “eyes and ears” of the Court. CASAs research all aspects of their assigned child’s life–his or her present living situation, biological and extended family, school situation, etc.–and make written recommendations to the Juvenile Court as to the child’s best interest. As a If you would like more information about becoming a volunteer with Voices for Children Montgomery, please Become A “Friend of Voices For Children” Our office is always in need of volunteers who may not have time to become an advocate for a If you can’t volunteer but are interested in donating click here! Also don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin. | |